Our Mission
We are making a difference "One Bag at a Time!"
Sol began with a vision based on one simple belief:
To Help Humanity Do you remember Spring Break back in March?? Well, I was going to visit my mother for 10 days when boarders closed due to COVID-19; I had to remain in Guatemala for four months living internationally during this time. It definitely was an experience of a lifetime! I was able to experience the lifestyle and needs of this beautiful country. The community I was living in was hit hard economically and emotionally. The need grew daily and weekly as quarantine restrictions became more and more demanding. We provided over 100+ meals to groups of families, seniors, domestic violence victims, and a group of weavers. Children were the most difficult for me to see suffer from this pandemic. **ALL proceeds from ALL sales will go towards FOOD BAGS |
SOL textiles is committed to selling weaves made by hand, not machines. We incorporate huipiles, textiles, and premium leather to create finely detail designs.We are dedicated to working with local artisans and families. Donating a portion of the proceeds to provide meals to families in need.
The Huipil

The huipil tells the Mayan culture history through its vibrant colors and patterns. These traditional blouses worn by women in Central America are so much more then fashion; each design is unique to each region or community they represent. Each huipil is uniquely handmade with its own pattern that tells a story. I love the idea of every weave tells a story in the fabric of life. I can’t think of a better way to share the Mayan Culture then to create upcycle products using huipils.
See the history of Huipil's on Wikipedia.
See the history of Huipil's on Wikipedia.